STEM4youth Open Student competition: on-line coaching sessions are coming!

STEM4youth Open Student competition: on-line coaching sessions are coming!

As a part of the STEM4youth student competition, STEM4youth will shortly organize 4 on-line coaching sessions (one for each competition topic). These online sessions will be chaired by the authors of the problems, and will be primarily dedicated for the students and teachers who have already worked on appropriate topics.

During each (appx. 45-60 min.) session, STEM authors will answer both students and teachers questions, as well as doubts about evaluation criteria and further problems details. If you cannot joint sessions, short summaries will be published on OLCMS platform and as update at the end of this webpage – available after the online events.


The coaching sessions schedule:





How to join

Participants will join sessions using teleconference Vidyo software.

To participate in the sessions, you need first to install a Vidyo client on your desktop or mobile device. You will find below an easy two-step installation guideline.

  • Vidyo desktop version is available for download under:

  • Vidyo Android application  is available on Google Play Store as “VidyoMobile”

During installation as Vidyo portal name please enter:  “”.

At this point, please do not login. You will find detailed information below in order to test your access. Participation in the sessions do not require prior registration.


When you have installed Vidyo software, you only have to access to the online session following our session link:

We would also strongly encourage you to test the Vidyo access earlier (once again, log into session link), using one of the proposed date:

  • Monday, March the 19th from 5:00-6:00 PM (CET)
  • Tuesday, March the 20th from 5:00-6:00 PM (CET)


For any further infomation, please look at the following contacts:

Dr. Mirosław Brzozowy

STEM4youth technical Manager

Faculty of Physics; Warsaw University of Technology

Koszykowa 75; 00-662 Warsaw (Poland)


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